Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Test 4: Matching sounds with similar characteristics
Dear testee,
you are here for the important task of benchmarking the performance of
Below are ten different room settings with three sounds each. The top player for each room contains a reference sound. The bottom two players contain one real sound which is from the same room as the reference sound, and one synthesized sound, generated by rirnet. This means that one of the two sounds have exactly the same characteristics as the reference sound and that the other one is a hoax!
Your job is to decide which of the two sounds you think has the same characteristics as the reference sound, and set the slider such that it reflects how certain you are
. For example, set the slider all the way to the left if you are completely certain that the left sound is the real one. Do this for each room and then click submit at the end. We highly recommend wearing headphones.
Thank you for your participation!
/Erik Larsson and Felix Viberg
Room 1
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Room 2
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Room 3
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Room 4
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Room 5
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Room 6
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Room 7
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Room 8
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Room 9
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Room 10
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